About the Business
We have been in business for over 10 years and have an in-depth knowledge and experience of the Docklands and East London market. We use this knowledge to the benefit of all our customers, whether Landlords or Tenants, Vendors or Purchasers. Whether it is a property sale or rental of a house or an apartment we always provide unparalleled levels of service. We treat all our clients, whether for a property sale or rental, as we ourselves would like to be treated.
We have an established and highly trained team with more than 75 years combined frontline estate agency experience covering all of East London. Our philosophy is one where the watchwords of reliability and reputable customer service, allied to a duty of care, pervades all aspects of our business. If you are looking to make a property purchase, sell or let your property, you will have to go a long way before you will find a more caring agency.
Location & Hours

82 Three Colt Street